The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR Review

The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR
The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR

The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR – Expertly Written Content For The Internet Marketing And Make Money Online Niche

Hello everyone and welcome to my review of The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR.

This monthly newsletter is written by Nick James and it’s basically a 32+ page newsletter featuring internet marketing and “make money online“ content. Every issue of the newsletter comes with a full PLR license.

What makes it really stand out is that you also receive the newsletter in a perfectly designed PDF version that looks just amazing. Meaning, you’ll have your very own professional looking electronic magazine ready-to-go!

== My Review Of The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR And Full Product Demo In Video Format ==

Get Access To The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR + My Bonuses

The content also comes in easy to edit Word documents which are split up into categories, such as an introduction, an epilogue, the latest news, the articles, useful ideas and the resources used to create the actual newsletter.

The no-nonsense Private Label Rights (PLR) license gives you the rights to pretty much use the content in any way you see fit. You could use the expertly written content for your articles, emails, blog posts, E-books, videos, etc… (check his T&Cs).

The Internet Marketing Newsletter - Editable Word Docs
The Internet Marketing Newsletter – Editable Word Docs

That all sounds great…but why on earth would this newsletter be any different than it’s competitors?

Alright then, Captain Skeptical…give me five minutes of your time, and I’ll explain it all to you as we dive deeper into this Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR Review.

First of all, this content is good…and I mean REALLY good.

All the content is written by Nick himself and not by “a hired gun” who claims to be an expert but never made an affiliate commission in his life.

This isn’t rehashed information from a wannabee but quality content from someone who genuinely walks the walk. It’s something you’ll be more than happy to put your name on and you can share it with confidence and pride.

Here’s a sneak peak inside the latest issue of The Internet Marketing Newsletter

Sneak Peak Inside The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR
Sneak Peak Inside The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR

Nick also included several guides and tutorial videos that clearly explain how to use and edit the content effectively. But don’t worry, your efforts will be minimal!

You could literally have the content working for you in a matter of minutes because the content and design are of superb quality. So, unlike most other PLR packs there is little to no editing required. All you have to do is add your name to the content and you’re good to go.

The only possible concern I have is the amount of content you’ll receive in each newsletter.

Other similar PLR offers provide you with thousands of pages all at once. Nick’s Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR only gives you about 32 pages.

On the other hand, this isn’t really a bad thing either. I personally prefer quality above quantity.

But, if you’re shopping around for bulk PLR, this may not fit your needs. Unless you decide to pick up Upgrade 1, which gives you access to all the previously released newsletters for a low one time fee. This way you’ll get instant access to thousands of pages filled with high quality content!

As an exclusive bonus, you also get access and the PLR rights to the live podcasts that Nick did with some of the most successful marketers in the MMO niche. So, with a few minor editing tweaks you could have your own podcast up and running in no time at all.

I also like to point out that Nick has a rock-solid reputation in this industry. While this membership comes with a monthly payment, you can cancel at any time without all of the usual shenanigans.

Nick always over delivers and he always responds when his customers have questions. And that alone my friend, is quite unique in the MMO niche!

P.S. If you’re interested in other high quality PLR content, then check out my product reviews for Arun Chandran’s PLR or Tiffany Lambert’s PLR.

Price And Funnel Of The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR

The Internet Marketing Newsletter $1 Trial

Get The Latest Issue Of The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR For Just $1
(After The $1/Trial The Price Will Be $47/Month)

But Don’t Delay, This Special Offer Expires On 29/04/2022

Upgrade 1 All The Back Issues Of The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR $97

Upgrade 2 Product Licensing Formula $97

Upgrade 3 The Complete Licensing Vault $997

Should You Get This?

Without a shadow of a doubt YES. As long as the $1/trial is still on offer this is an absolute no-brainer, even if you decide to cancel your subscription after one month.

All in all, this is some of the best quality PLR I’ve ever came across and it requires virtually no effort to put it to use. Upgrade 1 with all the back to back issues offers great value and that alone might be worth it to join.

Still not convinced…Here’s what email marketing mastermind Mat Bacak thinks about Nick’s Email Marketing Newsletter

The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR Mat Bacak Testimonial
The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR Mat Bacak Testimonial

But Wait, There’s More…

You’ll Get Access To ALL The Bonuses Below If You Purchase The Affiliate Marketing Newsletter PLR Through My Link Today

ALB 2.0

In this bonus you’ll learn all the different techniques and strategies to build a highly engaged list of email subscribers from scratch. Cause let’s be honest with each other, if you don’t have a list to sell or share your newsletters with…then they are as useless as a one-legged man in a running contest.

DFY Email Newsletters

In this bonus you’ll get access to 20 done for you newsletters on the topic of affiliate marketing and email marketing. I’ll give you full PLR rights as well so you’ll be able to use them in any way you wish. You could easily turn these into valuable reports to build your list, or sell simply the reports for a profit.

The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR - Vendor Bonuses

These are all the extra bonuses from Nick James and they will be delivered in your members area of The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR.

Looks Good, Huh! Well To Get All These Bonuses All You’ve Got To Do Is…
Give That Blue Button Below A Good ‘Ol Click

If you purchased through Warrior Plus…Log into your account, find your purchase and click on the blue affiliate bonus button to access your bonuses.

Alright then, you’ve reached the end of this review about The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR. If you have questions about this review or my bonuses, then leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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