Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2 Review

Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2 Review
Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2 Review

Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2 Review – Completely done for you funnel to promote John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System

Hello everyone and welcome to my Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2 Review. This is yet another one of Val Wilson’s done for you affiliate marketing funnels and this time it’s fully optimized to promote one of Clickbank’s top selling products in the MMO niche.

In a nutshell, you’ll get a DFY report, a squeeze page, a re-direct page, a monetized thank you page and an email follow-up sequence, all geared towards making affiliate commissions while promoting John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System.

The Super Affilate System is a top quality affiliate marketing training product, one that pays RECURRING COMMISSIONS and the average affiliate payout is currently over $822!

== Watch My Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2 Review In Video Format ==

Get Access To Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2 + My Bonuses

The only downside is that this product might not appeal to complete newbies. John’s training is all about utilizing paid traffic and that’s something most beginners are not prepared to do.

So my advice is to go after intermediate marketers who are stuck in the $100 to $1000 per month hamster wheel and are desperately looking for ways to scale their monthly income.

By doing so you’ll not lose time or money targeting the wrong audience.

Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2 goes live on 24/04/2022 at 09.00 AM/EST

Why Do I Need A Funnel To Make Affiliate Commissions?

Well, it’s quite simple. Cliched as it is, there’s 2 ways to do affiliate marketing. There’s the wrong way and there’s the right way. To be a successful affiliate marketer in ANY niche, there are certain things you need to have, and certain things you need to do.

Affiliate marketing the right way or the wrong way
Affiliate marketing the right way or the wrong way

1.You Must Build A List

95% of the visitors you send to a sales page will not buy the first time. If you have the right offer, a lot more WILL buy over time, but unless they are on your list, they’ll buy it through someone else’s link.

So, never send traffic direct to a sales page. Give them a reason to join your list first, THEN send them to your paid offer.

2.You MUST Offer Value

When you get a potential customer to join your list, you must provide this value immediately. In other words, you must give them a good reason to give you their email address, something of true value that they would even be happy to pay for.

3.You Must CONTINUE To Provide Value

You’ll start sending emails to those who join your list, right? But keep in mind that it won’t just be you sending them emails – it’ll be you and a gazillion other affiliates. You know how full your inbox is everyday. Well, your subscriber’s inbox will be EXACTLY the same.

You must give them a good reason to open YOUR emails. You must build that relationship and make them LOOK FORWARD to your next email.

Three simple steps. Sounds easy enough right?

Well, it’s not and it can become very time consuming. And that’s where Val’s Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack comes in.

Here’s What You Get With Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack V2

1.‘The Successful Affiliate Strategy’ Giveaway

A professionally written report to entice new subscribers. The techniques and training included in this are genuinely valuable, making this the perfect way to get that relationship with subscribers off to the perfect start. This is also fully monetized and REBRANDABLE – meaning you can add your affiliate links in just a couple of clicks.

2. A Fully Mobile Responsive, High Converting 2 Step Squeeze Page

With just a few minor tweaks, this is ready to upload, so you can start building your list. This page is set up in a way proven to maximize conversions, and all the legal pages are also included so this is fully compliant for any form of traffic.

Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2 Review - Lead Magnet And Squeeze Page
Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2 Review – Lead Magnet And Squeeze Page

3. A Professional Redirect Page

This will improve conversions and you’ll get extra sales with this redirect page. New subscribers will automatically be sent to the Clickbank offer through an affiliate link.

4. A Fully Monetized Download Page

This professional download page is also fully monetized with your affiliate links.

Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2 Review - Thank You And Download Page
Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2 Review – Thank You And Download Page

5. A Full 14 Day Relationship Building Autoresponder Series

Delivered in a text file, with all the affiliate links already included. Just copy and paste the emails into your autoresponder, and you’re good to go.

Important Notice: Do keep in mind that in order to install this affiliate marketing list building pack you’ll need to have your own domain name, hosting and an autoresponder service.

Price And Funnel Of Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2

Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2 Tablet

Get Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack + My Bonuses For $11.80

The price will rise to $27 on the 29/04/2022 – No Exceptions!

Upgrade 1 – A Complete Affiliate Marketing Niche Site & Content Pack $27

Upgrade 2 – A Complete Installation Service $197-$297

  • option 1 Installation service only
  • option 2 Installation service domain and hosting included

Should You Get This

Yes, if you’d like to promote John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System. This has massive potential for both seasoned and brand new affiliate marketers, and the done for you funnel will make it incredibly easy for anyone to get started in this niche and make money right off the bat.


Get Access To ALL The Bonuses Below If You Purchase Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack V2 Through My Link Today

DFY Affiliate Marketing Blog

You’ll get a completely DFY affiliate marketing blog that is pre-populated with content, graphics and an easy to navigate side bar. The only thing that you have to do is load it up to your own hosting provider.

All the instructions to get your blog up and running are included with this package in both written format and video tutorials. You can use this blog to upload Val’s funnel and drive traffic to your squeeze page.

Online Marketing Article Pack

You’ll get access to 10 expertly written articles on the topic of online marketing. Use these articles to populate your blog with even more quality content and drive visitors to your squeeze page. All the articles have a word count of in between 800 to 2150 words!

Traffic Checklists

Get access to 18 easy to follow checklists on the topic of both free and paid traffic strategies. You can implement all the different strategies to drive hordes of potential customers to your squeeze page.

Free Traffic Breakthrough

In this report I’ll guide you through 15 little known but profitable free traffic sources. These traffic sources are not covered in the checklists, so you’ll get 15 additional opportunities to drive even more traffic to your squeeze page!

Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2 Review - Vendor Bonuses

These are all the extra bonuses from Val Wilson and they will be delivered in your members area of Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack v2.

Looks Good, Huh! Well To Get All These Bonuses All You’ve Got To Do Is…
Give That Blue Button Below A Good ‘Ol Click

If you purchased through Warrior Plus…Log into your account, find your purchase and click on the blue affiliate bonus button to access your bonuses.

Alright then, you’ve made it till the end of my Affiliate Marketing List Building Pack V2 review. If you have questions about this review or my bonuses, then leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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