Make Money On YouTube Without Showing Your Face – Copy And Paste Faceless Method
Alright, today I want to share a pretty cool method to make money on YouTube without showing your face, and I think you’re going to absolutely love this one.
Apart from not having to appear on camera it’s also incredibly easy to implement. In fact, if you’re able to copy and paste then you’re qualified for this method.
It’s something I’d like to call “The Copy and Paste Faceless Method”. And best of all, this is also 100% free to implement too.
So if you’re looking for a quick, easy and free way to make money on YouTube without showing your face this method has your name written all over it.
Sounds interesting? If so, let’s get started…
Some Important YouTube Facts
YouTube is still the second most visited website in the world, second only to Google itself, and I don’t have to tell you it’s popular but YouTube has more than 2.6 BILLION active users.
So how can you take advantage of this platform that appears to be so hard to get started on?
Well, first I want you to understand that in YouTube’s community guidelines and rules, they are 100% okay with you monetizing content that isn’t yours, as long as it is royalty free or creative commons content and it is licensed for commercial use.
That means it needs to be stated in the license that you can use the content for making money (i.e. commercial purposes.)

Now put that idea to the side for a minute and consider this…
There are countless channels on YouTube right now with videos that go on for hours and hours, and all that they play is relaxing music or storm weather sounds, or rain, or white noise.
People use videos like this to help them sleep or study, or to help them with anxiety attacks, or any number of reasons.
But the thing is these long form videos are very easy to produce, and do not require you to be in front of the camera or create any original content of your own.
If you want a quick example of what I’m talking about just head over to YouTube and do a quick search for “relaxing music.”
You’ll see what I mean. You can get a feel for what the videos look and sound like and easily model similar content yourself.
For the royalty free content you can head over to Pexels and find countless stock pictures and videos that you can use to create these kinds of YouTube videos.
Just do a search for “relaxing” or “peaceful” or “ambience ” or whatever other subject that you are trying to make a video about.
Another good website that you can use for this is Pixabay.
The good news about Pixabay is that they actually have a music section, so this is a great place to pick up royalty free music that you can use for your video as well.

Another place you can find great music to use royalty free is the YouTube Audio Library. Just do a simple google search for “YouTube Audio Library.”
Once you have some video clips and some music downloaded, you need a video editor to put this together
There are plenty of free open source options out there if you don’t already have a video editor.
Openshot is a good free option with lots of YouTube tutorials available to help you get started with this editor.
You can even slow the video clips down using your video editor if you want to make them last a little longer. You can create smooth transitions easily between the clips.
It’s fairly simple to throw these kinds of videos together very quickly and start to get an inventory of them on your channel.
Okay, so let’s run down the steps on this one:
Step 1) Start a new YouTube channel.
Keep in mind you’ll need 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time before you are going to be eligible for monetization.
So this will take a little time and consistency to build but if you stick with it, it can happen fairly quickly with these popular long form videos.
Also keep in mind the opportunity to promote affiliate offers.
Step 2) Get some video clips.
Once you have your YouTube channel up and running, go ahead and head over to Pexels and/or Pixabay and grab some video clips that you can use to put together a cool long-form video.

Step 3) Get some audio tracks.
Next you want to head over to Pixabay or the YouTube Audio Library and grab some cool audio tracks that you can use for your content.
Step 4) Get yourself a video editor and create your videos.
Go ahead and download a simple free video editor, like Openshot, or use one you already have. Now create some of these “long-form” relaxation videos that you can upload to your YouTube channel.
Step 5) Stay consistent and upload regularly.
YouTube is all about regular uploading and consistency. So put yourself on a content schedule here. You can create these videos in production blocks (meaning create multiple videos at once) and then upload them on a schedule.
Step 6) Give it a little kick-start.
If you want to give your channel a little kick-start, especially at first, you can seek out Facebook groups and Subreddits that are about the subject that your long form videos help with. Just be sure to share your videos in a cool way and don’t just spam.
Step 7) Syndicate and synergize.
These kinds of videos can be edited down fairly easily to work as short form content on Instagram, Facebook and Tik Tok. You could then use those sites to drive traffic to your YouTube channel.

Optional – Audio narration.
Another thing you can do is seek out public domain audio speeches or motivational lectures. These can be added to the video clips and music to create shorter motivational and inspirational videos.
This is a great way to start building a nice little income using YouTube and not having to really be on camera or create any original content yourself.
Again, what I have found is that everything with YouTube requires patience and consistency. You have to stay with this one but if you do, it can really pay off for you like it is currently paying off for many people right now.
That’s it for this one. I’ve given you everything in order to make money on YouTube without showing your face. All you have to do is put it into action.
And remember, relentless imperfect action ALWAYS wins the day. Perpetual thought only leads to stagnation.
So take all this information in, give yourself a limited amount of time to process it…and then get moving!